Friday, April 16, 2010

Darwinist and Faith

Darwinist is a term that needs to die. Darwin died 70 years before we even began to understand DNA which, understandably, is a very important part of our understanding of evolution. To call someone a 'Darwinist' for accepting evolution would be similar to calling someone who studies present day physics a 'Newtonist'. Absurd, at the simplest level.

Whenever anyone, most commonly Christians, mention the term 'Darwinist' in reference to me I usually reply with a snide comment such as, "I know your belief system hasn't productively changed in 2000 years and that is why you call yourself a 'Christian' but, for science progress is natural. Darwin died 130 years ago. We know much more about who we are and where we came from."

While we're on the subject of misused terms, don't let them tell you you have as much faith as they do. You have acceptance, not faith. For instance, I don't need faith that the sun will come up tomorrow. I accept that all evidence points to it coming up. It's silly to assert that faith is needed to believe that the world will work as the world works.

That really is the main difference between theism and atheism. Atheism follows that the world works as the world works. Theism asserts that the world doesn't currently, or didn't in the past, work as it does.

As an example, people die. They don't revive three days after dying. Christian teachings oppose this reality. Another, enough water to flood the whole Earth doesn't rain from the sky and later vanish away.

Until another day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Circular reasoning works because...

I met a robot named Robotron 3000. He came from the future.
The above quote, as you can see, was written by someone who met Robotron 3000. Of course it was. See, if Robotron 3000 didn't exist, those two sentences above wouldn't have been written. No one would write anything that wasn't true, right?

This is the basic premise I was recently offered as proof that the Bible is more than a book. God exists and inspired Moses and many others to write the Bible. As you know, right there in the Bible it shows that God exists. Obviously, in that logic, the Bible proves God exists.

Welcome to circular reasoning. In case you don't know what circular reasoning is, let me demonstrate it below:

As you can see, it makes perfect sense. It's a controlled system of logic that proves itself true.

I like chocolate thus chocolate must exist and, since chocolate exists, I like it. Sure, chocolate does exist, but the fact that I like it isn't the reason it exists and just because it exists doesn't mean I like it either. Throw in 'unicorn' or, for instance, 'god' in the place of chocolate and you will see the silly line of thought.

Until another day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Post have been sparse

And now they're short:

Only a self-righteous idealist think justice and revenge aren't the same thing.