Friday, July 17, 2009

This is absurd.

WAUSAU, Wis. – An American flag flown upside down as a protest in a northern Wisconsin village was seized by police before a Fourth of July parade and the businessman who flew it — an Iraq war veteran — claims the officers trespassed and stole his property.

A day after the parade, police returned the flag and the man's protest — over a liquor license — continued.

Nationalism (not to be confused with patriotism) is a sad and pathetic thing.

There's a few hilarious quotes to be found in the news article. From Marinette County Sheriff, Jim Kanikula:

"It is illegal to cause a disruption," he said.
No, it isn't. At least, not in the way that Congine did it. What is illegal, on the other hand, is what they did. A legal protest can't be controlled like that. Even if Congine was breaking the law, Breaking the law to stop others from breaking the law isn't logical.

Village President John Deschane:

"If he wants to protest, let him protest but find a different way to do it," Deschane said.
In what way? A less effective one? Congine obviously pressed some buttons, which is the point of a protest.

The article finishes off with a great quote from Congine in reference to his serving in Iraq:
"It is pretty bad when I go and fight a tyrannical government somewhere else," Congine said, "and then I come home to find it right here at my front door."
We do have quite limited rights when it comes to some things but, luckily, in the instance of protest, we're quite free.

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