An insightful scientist once said that evolution has done nothing for humanity. Time has proven him wrong. Evolution has become a massive money-making business. The faithful flock to buy books, bones (do a search on the massive fake fossil industry), DVD’s, magazines, made-for TV documentaries, and it all evolved from nothing but the molehill of one man’s imagination. The whole-hearted embracing of the Theory of Evolution without empirical proof, is a sad testimony to the gullibility of the human mind.Now let me replace a few words in that...
An insightful scientist once said that religion has done nothing for humanity. Time has proven him wrong. Religion has become a massive money-making business. The faithful flock to buy books, paraphernalia (do a search on the year sales of crosses), DVD’s, magazines, made-for TV documentaries, and it all evolved from nothing but the molehill of ancient people's imagination. The whole-hearted embracing of Christianity without empirical proof, is a sad testimony to the gullibility of the human mind.
Seriously, did he realize he's leveling the same claim against science that is leveled against religion? Can he really be that dense?
Besides, evolution is purely based off of empirical proof of experimentation and observation of the natural world, so I can't figure out how he defines people as "embracing of the Theory of Evolution without empirical proof."
If Ray Comfort revealed tomorrow that his Christian demeanor was just a big hoax used to point out the stupidity of religion and believing things without any substantial evidence, I would slap my forehead and laugh at myself for falling for his deception. I just don't understand how people can believe an ancient book instead of reality.